211 16th Street

Aurora, Nebraska 68818

Main:   402.631.7267      After Hours: 402.739.9565           Fax: 531.999.4955

Click here to help fund a Safe Shelter for Human Trafficking Survivors in Central Nebraska

​​​Over 900 individuals are bought and sold across Nebraska per month (Omaha Women’s Fund). Currently there are only two designated safe shelters in Nebraska for trafficking survivors (both in Omaha) and together, they can host less than two dozen residents at a time. With such a clear need, your involvement can make a huge impact!

​“Sozo” is a Greek word meaning “to start over,” or “to make new.” Sozo Family Services has responded to a special call to engage the healing and personal renewal process for individuals who are survivors of human trafficking. It is our hope to build or acquire a safe shelter in Central Nebraska in the very near future. Such a shelter will significantly enhance the much needed care associated with this special call. 

We invite you to join us in this effort to fight human trafficking by making a one time or recurring donation via PayPal to bring a new start to many hurting individuals.  Even $1/month can help make a difference when we work together!

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